Extend - Adding Page#

This page explains how to extend Django Datta PRO by adding a new page.


The source code of Django Datta Able PRO needs to be downloaded locally.

Templates Directory#

Navigate and inspect the templates directory located in the root of the project. The structure is the one presented bellow

|-- templates/                   # Pages & Templates
|    |
|    |-- includes/               # UI Components
|    |-- layouts/                # Master pages
|    |-- pages/                  # Pages provided by the Datta Able Kit
|         |
|         |-- index.html         # Index Page
|         |-- landingpage.html   # Sample Landing page
|         |-- *.html             # All other pages
|-- ************************************************************************

Duplicate Existing Page#

To keep this tutorial simple, we will copy the landingpage.html into a new page named mypage.html. Once we do this, the templates directory becomes:

|-- templates/                   # Pages & Templates
|    |
|    |-- pages/                  # Pages provided by the Datta Able Kit
|         |
|         |-- landingpage.html
|         |-- mypage.html        # <-- Our NEW page
|-- ************************************************************************

Use the Page#

The page can be used now and presented to the users. For this let’s create a new route in the home application.

|-- home/              # HOME Application
|    |-- urls.py       # Application routes
|    |-- views.py      # Application controlers
|-- ************************************************************************

Edit views.py - addind a new controller for the new page

# Landing Page                                           # Existing CODE
@login_required(login_url='/accounts/login-v1/')         # Existing CODE
def landing_page(request):                               # Existing CODE
    return render(request, 'pages/landingpage.html')     # Existing CODE

# My NEW Page                                            # <-- NEW CODE
def my_page(request):                                    # <-- NEW CODE
    return render(request, 'pages/my.html')              # <-- NEW CODE

Edit urls.py - addind a new route for the page

urlpatterns = [                                                        # Existing CODE
    path('', views.default, name='index'),                             # Existing CODE
    path('landing-page/', views.landing_page, name="landing_page"),    # Existing CODE
    path('my_page/', views.my_page, name="my_page"),                   # <-- NEW CODE

Once the above edits are finished and saved, our new page is rendered when we access the new route:

Access the page: http://localhost:8000/my_page/