

Gunicorn, short for “Green Unicorn,” is a Python WSGI HTTP server for Unix systems. It’s a pre-fork worker model server that’s widely used to deploy Python web applications, particularly those built with frameworks like Flask and Django.

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Key features of Gunicorn#

  1. Production-Ready: Designed specifically for production environments with reliability and performance in mind.

  2. Process Management: Uses a master-worker architecture where a master process manages multiple worker processes that handle requests.

  3. Worker Types: Supports various worker types including sync, async, gevent, and eventlet to handle different concurrency models.

  4. Auto-Worker Restart: Automatically restarts workers that crash or exceed memory limits.

  5. Configuration Options: Highly configurable through command-line options or config files.

  6. Integration: Works well with Nginx or other reverse proxies in front of it.

  7. Signal Handling: Graceful application reloading without dropping connections.

A typical deployment architecture:

  • Nginx as the front-facing web server (handling static files, SSL, etc.)

  • Gunicorn as the application server

  • Your Python web application (Django, Flask, etc.)

Example of starting Gunicorn:

gunicorn myapp.wsgi:application --workers=4 --bind=

Example configuration file (

bind = ""
workers = 4
worker_class = "gevent"
worker_connections = 1000
timeout = 30
keepalive = 2

Gunicorn is valued for its simplicity, reliability, and performance characteristics, making it one of the most popular choices for deploying Python web applications in production.