DRY Principle#
The DRY principle is a core software development concept that states: “Every piece of knowledge or logic must have a single, unambiguous representation within a system.”.
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Key aspects of DRY#
Core concept: Knowledge should exist in one place and be referenced elsewhere rather than duplicated
Purpose: Reduces redundancy and simplifies maintenance
Implementation: Uses abstraction, inheritance, and composition to reuse code
Benefits: Easier maintenance, fewer bugs, smaller codebase, and improved consistency
DRY in practice#
When applied to programming, DRY encourages:
Creating reusable functions/methods instead of copying code blocks
Using inheritance to share behavior between similar classes
Applying templates or partials for repeated UI elements
Centralizing configuration values rather than hardcoding them multiple places
Using constants and enums for values used throughout the codebase
Django’s DRY approach#
Django exemplifies DRY through:
Models that define data structure once, then generate database schemas and form validation
Template inheritance that allows common elements (headers, footers) to be defined once
Class-based views that encapsulate common patterns
URL routing that centralizes path definitions
Middleware that handles cross-cutting concerns in one place
The opposite of DRY is WET (“Write Everything Twice” or “We Enjoy Typing”), which leads to maintenance challenges and inconsistencies when changes are needed.
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