Web Apps Generator#
Web Apps Generator is a free service that allows to generate production-ready starters equiped with design, authentication, sypport for async tasks, database models and Docker support:
👉 Web Apps Generator - The service DEMO
- Customization Includes:
The Design: Soft Dashboard, AdminLTE, Tabler, Material Kit and Dashboard
Design Database: edit models and fields
Customize the Extended user model
Enable OAuth for GitHub and Google (soon)
Add Celery (async tasks)
Enable Dynamic API Module
Docker Scripts
CI/Cd Scripts for Render
The generated Django project is available as a ZIP Archive and also uploaded to GitHub.
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App Generator Interface#
The user interface provides sections for each section of an web app:
Product Design
Database Driver
Database Tables and Fields
Extended User Model
Improved Authentication (OAuth)
Dev Tools: Celery (async tasks), Dynamic Services
Deployment Options: Docker, CI/CD Scripts
Product Design#
The users can select a modern design from a generous list that covers popular dashboards and actively supported UI Kits
Soft Dashboard
Material Dashboard
Argon Dashboard
Berry Bootstrap 5
Material Kit and Pixel UI
Database Driver#
By default, the SQLite is selected as the default option, but user can also use PgSQL, or MySql/MariaDB driver.
Database Design (Tables)#
This section allows to edit the tables and also define relations foregn keys, for instance.
Extended User Model#
The extended user model allows to attach specific fields to the default User Model provided by Django core set up.
Authentication (OAuth)#
The classic email/password authentication can be extended with social signIns for GitHub and Google.
Dev Tools#
If the starter requires async tasks or APIs, this can be easily achived by checking the Celery and/or API Generator check-boxes.
All generated web apps come with Docker scripts by default and CI/Cd scripts for Render, a popular cloud provider. The project README provides a Deploy to Render button that links the project with a LIVE deployment with zero configuration.
Download Generated Code#
Once the platform generates the code, the source code is available as ZIP Archive, and also uploaded on GitHub (public repository).
👉 The generated source code is MIT licensed, and can be used in hobby or commercial projects without any restrictions.
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