About Us#
This page explains how to use App Generator, an Open-Source Service
that aims to help developers, students and Companies to code their digital product with speed via a bundle of services:
- Generate Web Apps and customize:
The Design: Soft Dashboard, AdminLTE, Tabler, Material Kit and Dashboard
Design Database: edit models and fields
Customize the Extended user model
Enable OAuth for GitHub and Google (soon)
Add Celery (async tasks)
Enable Dynamic API Module
Docker Scripts
CI/Cd Scripts for Render
Download digital products (free & paid)
Get support via Email, and Discord.
Speed up you product using custom development services
👉 New to App-Generator? Sign IN with GitHub or Generate Web Apps in no time (free service).
App Generator - Digital Products and Tools for developers.#
👉 New to App-Generator? Join our 10k+ Community using GitHub One-Click SignIN.
products and start fast a new project👉 Bootstrap your startUp, MVP or Legacy project with a custom development sprint