React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for single-page applications. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React allows developers to create large web applications that can update and render efficiently in response to data changes. Here are the key features:
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Component-Based Architecture
React applications are built using components, which are self-contained, reusable pieces of code that define the appearance and behavior of UI elements.
Components can be nested, managed, and handled independently, promoting modular and maintainable code.
JSX (JavaScript XML)
React uses JSX, a syntax extension that allows writing HTML-like code within JavaScript. JSX makes it easier to visualize the structure of the UI and manage the components.
Virtual DOM
React maintains a virtual representation of the DOM (Document Object Model) in memory. When the state of an object changes, React updates the virtual DOM first and then efficiently updates the real DOM only where changes occurred.
This process enhances performance, especially in applications with complex UIs.
Unidirectional Data Flow
React follows a one-way data binding approach, which means data flows in a single direction, making the application more predictable and easier to debug.
State Management
React components can manage their own state, a special JavaScript object that stores dynamic data and determines how the component renders and behaves.
For complex applications, state management libraries like Redux or Context API are often used in conjunction with React.
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