Pixel PRO#
Django Pixel PRO is a premium starter built on top of the Pixel PRO Design
👉 Django Pixel PRO - LIVE Demo
👉 Django Pixel PRO - Purchase Link (Secured by GUMROAD)
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Simple, Easy-to-Extend Codebase
Pixel PRO Design: Bootstrap 5
Session Based Authentication
Deployment-Ready for Render
Download Sources#
To get the product navigate to the payment page and complete the purchase. Unpack the ZIP archive and folow these steps:
unzip django-pixel-pro.zip
cd django-pixel-pro
Once the source code is unzipped, the next step is to start it and use provided features.
< ROOT >
|-- core/ # Project Settings
| |-- settings.py
| |-- wsgi.py
| |-- urls.py
|-- home/ # Presentation app
| |-- views.py # serve the HOMEpage
| |-- urls.py
| |-- models.py
|-- templates/ # UI templates
|-- static/ # Tailwind/Flowbite
| |-- src/ #
| |-- input.css # CSS Styling
|-- Dockerfile # Docker
|-- docker-compose.yml # Docker
|-- render.yml # CI/CD for Render
|-- build.sh # CI/CD for Render
|-- manage.py # Django Entry-Point
|-- requirements.txt # dependencies
|-- .env # ENV File
Building the project#
Export GITHUB_TOKEN in the environment. The value is provided during purchase.
This is required because the project has a private REPO dependency: github.com/app-generator/priv-django-theme-pixel-pro
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN='TOKEN_HERE' # for Linux, Mac
$ $env:GITHUB_TOKEN = 'TOKEN_HERE' # Windows powerShell
It’s best to use a Python virtual environment for installing the project dependencies. You can use the following code to create the virtual environment
virtualenv env
To activate the environment execute envScriptsactivate.bat for Windows or source env/bin/activate on Linux-based operating systems.
Having the VENV active, we can proceed and install the project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Core Dependencies#
The starter requires the following in order to be succesfully started:
Python 3.10 (or above)
(Optional) Git command line - used by the versioning system
(Optional) MySql or PostgreSQL DB Servers - if the default SQLite is not enough
A modern code editor like VsCode or Sublime
The python version can be easily check in the terminal by typing:
python --version
Python 3.12.0
Environment Settings#
The starter loads the environment variables from .env file. Here are the critical ones:
DEBUG: set by default to False (development mode)
SECRET_KEY: a random value used by Django to secure sensitive information like passwords and cookie information
if detected, the database is switched automatically from the default SQLite to the specified DBMS
Setting up the Database#
By default, the application uses SQLite for persistence. In order to use MySql/PostgreSQL, you’ll need to install the Python driver(s):
pip install mysqlclient # for MySql
# OR
pip install psycopg2 # for PostgreSQL
To connect the application with your mySQL database, you’ll need to fill in the credentials int the .env file and run the migrations.
# OR
# DB credentials below
Use the following commands to seed your data:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Running the project#
You can run Rocket Django locally or deploy it on Render. If you want to run the server locally, you’ll need to run the following command:
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
Open localhost on your browser and you can interact with the application.