Django is a secure and scalable framework designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion quickly. It includes built-in protection against many common web application vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. Djangoβs security features are continuously updated, making it a preferred choice for applications that handle sensitive data.
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Here are the key features of Django:
ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
Admin Interface
Templating Engine
URL Routing
Djangoβs middleware system allows for global processing of requests and responses, enabling the implementation of complex features like session handling and caching with minimal effort.
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- Getting Started
- Cheatsheet
- Inspect Project
- Raw SQL Queries
- Migrations
- Middleware
- Forms
- Crispy Forms
- Backup / Restore
- Custom Commands
- Templates System
- Static Files
- DRF Sample
- DRF Security
- Integrate MongoDB
- Integrate React
- Integrate Snowflake
- Integrate Grafana
- Integrate DaisyUI
- Integrate Flowbite
- Integrate Celery
- Integrate PayPal
- Integrate GUMROAD
- Integrate Stripe
- Async vs. Celery
- Charts
- Plotly Charts
- Multitenancy
- Debug Toolbar
- DB Docker Persistence
- Docker Auto Reload
- Debugging
- Testing
- Starters
- Popular Libraries
- Docker
- Releases
- Production Checklist
- Replit
- Deployment