Admin Atlantis#

Modern template for Django Admin Section, Auth Pages (registration included) crafted on top of Atlantis Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap design.

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  • Design: Atlantis Dashboard (Bootstrap)

  • Sections Covered:
    • Admin Section, reserved for superusers

    • All pages managed by Django.contrib.AUTH

    • Registration page

    • Misc pages: colors, icons, typography, blank-page

Django Atlantis Dashboard - open-source Django Admin Theme built on top of Atlantis Dashboard Design

Why Django Admin Atlantis#

  • Modern Bootstrap Design

  • Responsive Interface

  • Minimal Template overriding

  • Easy integration


$ pip install django-admin-atlantis
// OR
$ pip install git+

Add admin_atlantis application to the INSTALLED_APPS Section of your Django project file (note it should be before django.contrib.admin):


Add LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL and EMAIL_BACKEND of your Django project file:

# EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

Add admin_atlantis routing in your Django Project file

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('admin_atlantis.urls')),

Start the project now styled with the AdminLTE Design

Steps to start the project#
python collectstatic
python runserver # default port 8000

Access the project in your preferred browser and the UI should be styled with the new design.

Django Atlantis Dashboard - open-source Django Admin Theme built on top of Atlantis Dashboard Design

Add Features with our Django Generator (free service)#

Using the sevice, developers can customize:

  • Select the preferred design

  • Design Database: edit models and fields

  • Add fields to Extended user model

  • Enable OAuth for GitHub and Google (soon)

  • Add Celery (async tasks)

  • Enable Dynamic API Module

  • Docker Scripts

  • CI/Cd Scripts for Render

The generated Django project is available as a ZIP Archive and also uploaded to GitHub.

Django App Generator - User Interface for choosing the Design
Django App Generator - User Interface for choosing the Design