Pip is the standard package manager for Python. It’s used to install and manage software packages written in Python that are available in the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository and other package indexes.
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Key features of pip#
Package Installation: Install Python packages from PyPI or other sources.
Dependency Management: Automatically installs dependencies required by packages.
Version Control: Allows installing specific versions of packages.
Requirements Files: Supports installing multiple packages defined in a requirements.txt file.
Package Uninstallation: Removes installed packages and their dependencies.
Package Listing: Shows installed packages and their versions.
Package Freezing: Creates a list of installed packages with exact versions.
Common pip commands#
pip install package-name - Install a package
pip install package-name==1.2.3 - Install a specific version
pip install -r requirements.txt - Install from a requirements file
pip uninstall package-name - Remove a package
pip list - Show installed packages
pip freeze > requirements.txt - Export installed packages to a file
pip show package-name - Display information about an installed package
pip install –upgrade package-name - Upgrade a package
Pip comes pre-installed with Python installations from Python 3.4+ and Python 2.7.9+. It’s the most widely used tool for installing Python packages, though alternatives like Poetry, Pipenv, and conda are also popular for more advanced dependency management.
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