Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom user interfaces rapidly. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks, Tailwind doesn’t provide pre-built components.
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Instead, it offers low-level utility classes that you can combine to create unique designs directly in your HTML. Here are the key points of Tailwind CSS:
Utility-first approach: Classes represent single-purpose styling options.
Highly customizable: Easy to adapt to your project’s specific design needs.
Responsive design: Built-in responsive modifiers for different screen sizes.
JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler: Generates styles on-demand, reducing file size.
Pseudo-class variants: Easy styling for hover, focus, and other states.
Dark mode support: Built-in classes for dark mode implementations.
Extensible: Can be easily extended with custom utilities and plugins.
Now, comparing it to Bootstrap is kind of like comparing a custom tailor to a department store. Bootstrap gives you ready-to-wear outfits – they look good, they’re easy to put on, but everyone might end up looking a bit similar. Tailwind, on the other hand, gives you the fabric and tools to make your own unique outfit.
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