WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) is a specification for a standardized interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks. It defines how a web server communicates with Python web applications and how these applications can be chained together to process a request.
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Poetry is a package management and dependency resolution tool for Python. It’s designed to help developers manage project dependencies, virtual environments, and packaging in a more robust and user-friendly way than traditional tools like pip and setup.py.
Key features of Poetry include:
Dependency Management: Poetry uses a single pyproject.toml file to declare dependencies with precise version constraints.
Lockfile System: Poetry generates a poetry.lock file that ensures reproducible installations across different environments.
Virtual Environment Management: Poetry automatically creates and manages virtual environments for your projects.
Package Building and Publishing: Poetry simplifies packaging Python projects and publishing them to PyPI.
Dependency Resolution: Poetry has a sophisticated dependency resolver that handles complex dependency trees and conflicts.
Script Running: Poetry allows you to define and run project-specific scripts.
Project Scaffolding: Poetry can initialize new projects with a standard structure.
Basic commands#
poetry new project-name - Create a new project
poetry add package-name - Add a dependency
poetry install - Install dependencies
poetry update - Update dependencies
poetry run python script.py - Run a script in the project’s virtual environment
poetry build - Build your package
poetry publish - Publish your package to PyPI
Poetry has gained significant popularity in the Python community as an alternative to traditional tooling because it provides a more consistent and reliable development workflow, particularly for larger projects with complex dependency requirements.
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