
Pipenv is a Python dependency management tool that combines pip (package installation) and virtualenv (environment management) into a single, streamlined interface. Created by Kenneth Reitz, it aims to bring the best of all packaging worlds to the Python ecosystem.

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Key features of Pipenv#

  1. Simplified Workflow: Combines virtual environment creation, package installation, and dependency tracking in one tool.

  2. Pipfile and Pipfile.lock: Uses these files instead of requirements.txt to track dependencies. Pipfile is for declaring dependencies, while Pipfile.lock ensures deterministic builds by locking exact versions.

  3. Automatic Virtual Environment Management: Creates and manages virtual environments automatically, typically in a centralized location.

  4. Dependency Resolution: Automatically resolves dependencies between packages to prevent conflicts.

  5. Development vs. Production Dependencies: Distinguishes between packages needed for development and those required in production.

  6. Security Features: Can scan your dependency graph for known security vulnerabilities.

Common Pipenv commands#

  • pipenv install - Create a virtual environment and install dependencies

  • pipenv install package_name - Install a package

  • pipenv install –dev package_name - Install a development dependency

  • pipenv shell - Activate the virtual environment

  • pipenv run python script.py - Run a command in the virtual environment

  • pipenv lock - Generate Pipfile.lock

  • pipenv graph - Show a dependency graph

  • pipenv check - Check for security vulnerabilities

Example Pipfile:

url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

requests = "*"
django = ">=3.2"

pytest = "*"
black = "*"

python_version = "3.9"

Pipenv sits somewhere between basic pip/virtualenv usage and more comprehensive tools like Poetry, offering a balance of simplicity and powerful dependency management.