Deploy Django AdminLTE#

This page explains how to deploy Django AdminLTE on Render, a popular service for developers.

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The files that handles this step are:

  • render.yaml: the deployment descriptor

  • bash script that executes the compialtion steps in the remote server

- type: web
    name: django-adminlte
    plan: starter
    env: python
    region: frankfurt  # region should be same as your database region.
    buildCommand: "./"
    startCommand: "gunicorn core.wsgi:application"
    - key: DEBUG
        value: True
    - key: SECRET_KEY
        generateValue: true
        value: 4
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Collect Static
python collectstatic --no-input

# Migrate DB
python makemigrations
python migrate

Steps to Follow#

  • Authenticate on Render

  • You’ll need to create a Blueprint instance on Render by going to this link.

  • Connect the repository that you want to deploy.

  • Fill in the Service Group Name and click on the Update Existing Resources button.

  • Click on Environment and add key called PYTHON_VERSION and set it equal to 3.12.0.

  • After you make this change, the deployment will start automatically.

In the end you should have a LIVE deployment identical to the official Django AdminLTE DEMO.

Homepage Django AdminLTE - open-source starter built on top of AdminLTE

Add Features with our Django Generator (free service)#

Using the sevice, developers can customize:

  • Select the preferred design

  • Design Database: edit models and fields

  • Add fields to Extended user model

  • Enable OAuth for GitHub and Google (soon)

  • Add Celery (async tasks)

  • Enable Dynamic API Module

  • Docker Scripts

  • CI/Cd Scripts for Render

The generated Django project is available as a ZIP Archive and also uploaded to GitHub.

Django App Generator - User Interface for choosing the Design
Django App Generator - User Interface for choosing the Design