App Generator Docs


App Generator Docs#

Research and Innovation-oriented Service for Developers and Companies. Build Dynamic Services, download products, Generate Code, get support, or order a custom development sprint for MVPs and fully coded services.

👉 New to App-Generator? Sign IN with GitHub or Generate Web Apps in no time (free service).


App Generator is an Open-Source Tool that uses in-house developed automation tools to cut the manual work usually involved in web development.

Using the service, developers, companies and students can easily do:

  • Generate Web Apps and customize:
    • The Design: Soft Dashboard, AdminLTE, Tabler, Material Kit and Dashboard

    • Design Database: edit models and fields

    • Customize the Extended user model

    • Enable OAuth for GitHub and Google (soon)

    • Add Celery (async tasks)

    • Enable Dynamic API Module

    • Docker Scripts

    • CI/Cd Scripts for Render

  • Download digital products (free & paid)

  • Get support via Email, and Discord.

  • Speed up you product using custom development services

The company is self-funded, mainly driven by open-source and community members connected to the service via different funnels (Email, Newsletter) and Discord (3k+ members).

App Generator - Automation platform for developers.

App Generator - Digital Products and Tools for developers.#