
CodeThemes is a company that specializes in developing and selling UI templates, admin dashboards, and frontend frameworks for web developers. Their products primarily focus on React, Angular, Vue.js, and Bootstrap technologies.

Their most popular product lines include Berry (React & Bootstrap admin template), Mantis (React material design admin template), and various other admin dashboard solutions designed for different framework ecosystems.

CodeThemes products are used by developers to accelerate UI development, maintain design consistency, and implement modern interfaces without building everything from scratch.

Django Starter with Datta Able Design

Datta Able Django designed by codedthemes


Django Starter with Datta Able Design

Flask Datta Able designed by codedthemes


Django Starter with Berry Dashboard Design

Django Berry Dashboard designed by codedthemes


Premium Django Starter with Datta Able PRO Design

Datta Able Django PRO designed by codedthemes

Premium starter with OAuth, Extended User Profiles, and Automatic Users Suspension

Flask Datta Able PRO designed by codedthemes

Free Flask starter built with authentication, database, and Docker support on top of Berry Dashboard Design.

Flask Berry Dashboard designed by codedthemes


Simple Django Starter with Gradient Able Design (free version)

Django Gradient Able designed by codedthemes


Premium Flask Starter enhanced with authentication, database, Docker support on top of Berry PRO design

Flask Berry Dashboard PRO designed by codedthemes

Premium Django Starter with Gradient Able PRO Design

Django Gradient Able PRO designed by codedthemes

Django Starter: OAuth, API, Charts, DataTables, and Docker

Django Berry Dashboard PRO designed by codedthemes