
Themesberg is an web agecy specializing in Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and React-based web development resources. They focus on creating modern, responsive design assets for developers and designers.

Their notable products include Volt (Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard), Windster (Tailwind CSS admin dashboard), and Pixel (Bootstrap UI kit).

Django Template crafted with basic modules and Pixel UI Kit

Django Pixel UI designed by themesberg


Django Starter with Volt Dashboard Design

Django Volt Dashboard designed by themesberg


Premium Django Starter with Volt Dashboard PRO Design

Django Volt Dashboard PRO designed by themesberg

Open-Source Flask Starter enhanced authentication, database, Docker and Pixel UI design

Flask Pixel UI Kit designed by themesberg


Premium Django Starter built on top of Pixel UI (PRO version)

Django Pixel UI PRO designed by themesberg